Institutions of higher education in the United States enroll the largest number of foreign students in the world each year. As such, this book presents a phenomenological study that explores the perceptions and experiences of Afro-Caribbean international female graduate students attending Predominately White Institutions (PWIs) in the southeastern U.S. The experiences of Afro-Caribbean women have often been overlooked or homogenized in the literature as generalizable among foreign students or African Americans. Therefore, this book is guided by the following two research questions:
1. What are the academic experiences of Afro-Caribbean international female graduate students attending predominately White colleges and universities in the southeastern United States?
And, 2. What unique factors have shaped Afro-Caribbean international female graduate students’ experiences while attending graduate schools at predominately White colleges and universities in the southeastern United States?
The data presented in this book are in-depth interviews with eight (8) Afro-Caribbean international female graduate students attending PWIs in the U.S. The findings indicate that Afro-Caribbean women navigate multiple academic and campus-based challenges associated with race, gender, and international status in schools. Sister Outsider in the Academy presents meditating processes, strategies, and recommendations for higher education institutions.
Sister Outsider in the Academy
Sheikia Talley-Matthews, Ph.D., is a school administrator. Sheikia’s research interests include curriculum development, history of education, global education and issues in urban education. Sheikia's research explores the intersectionality of race, class and gender in schooling experiences internationally.
Greg Wiggan is Professor of Urban Education, Adjunct Professor of Sociology, and Affiliate Faculty of Africana Studies at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. His research addresses school processes that promote high achievement among urban and minority students. He has published over 100 publications, inclusive of 28 education books, with notable titles such: Global Issues in Education; Power, Privilege and Education; and in press, Teacher Education to Enhance Diversity in STEM; Sister Outsider in the Academy, and Education as Healing Power. He was a finalist for the prestigious American Educational Research Association outstanding book award.
Marcia (Marci) Watson-Vandiver is an Assistant Professor of Elementary Education at Towson University. Marci’s research interests explore various intersections of Black education, including: resistance pedagogy, historical and contemporary issues in urban education, critical multiculturalism, and transformative/emancipatory learning.