
A peer reviewed press:
For over a year, we discussed the elements which make an equitable and well-managed publishing house. Many of us have had conversations about the difficulties with existing presses: high cost, time to production, late (or no) royalty payments. By combining decades of publishing experience with a board of experienced academics we have an in-depth insight in what it takes to bring high quality peer reviewed work to readers. This is why Do It Ourselves was created: collaborative publishing with authors; mindful of price points for course adoption; and superior copyediting and production at no cost to authors. This is why DIO Press Inc is a different way to publish, framed by our commitment to diversity, equity and social justice.
Our editorial and publication work reflects our philosophy .. Welcome to DIO Press Inc.
Our Mission:
DIO Press is a progressive socially-just publishing house with a board comprised of academics. We offer superior publishing options for those seeking to publish research-based and creative works. Our team will guide authors through the process providing full service and timely publication, making books accessible to a wide audience. Our authors are at the front and center of our publishing house, and we welcome unique, edgy, and experimental submissions.
Vision & Core Values:
Collaborative publishing with authors. Mindful of price points for course adoption. Superior copyediting and production at no cost to authors. Royalties are double that of most academic publishers. Commitment to diversity, equity and social justice.
DIO Press is incorporated in Lewes, Delaware. Key contact is Michel Lokhorst, CEO with an experience of over 20 years in academic publishing, he brings an extensive network in the academic community.