He walks Among Us: this is Peter McLaren at his best - witty, cutting, caustic, savage, penetrating, observant, entertaining - just what is required for these new barbaric dark ages!
Michael Peters, Distinguished Professor, Faculty of Education at Beijing Normal University
Peter McLaren, l’enfant terrible of the educational establishment has continued to be a highly visible and much valued international firebrand whose work is characterized by an exquisite militancy and eloquence. McLaren’s newest work is a clarion call for challenging religious fundamentalism and its unholy alliance with Trump’s neo-fascist government. McLaren has emerged as a revolutionary and that cannot be ignored. This new compilation of his latest writings is destined to spark deep-seated inquiry among educators, scholars and others interested in radical scholarship and activism.
Sheila Macrine, Professor, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth.
Here again, as we enter the third decade of the twenty-first century, Professor McLaren has made one of the most enlightening contributions of the period, weaving together brilliant theoretical generalizations, incisive critical insights, and acute personal observations with his customary elegance and clarity. After all these years, he has come to literally define what we mean by critical public intellectual -- a role never more indispensable as we seek to maneuver through unprecedented global crisis.
Professor Carl Boggs, Author of Facing Catastrophe: Food, Politics, and the Ecological Crisis.

Peter McLaren is Distinguished Professor in Critical Studies, Donna Ford Attallah College of Educational Studies, Chapman University where he serves as Co-Director and International Ambassador for Global Ethics and Social Justice of the Paulo Freire Democratic Project. He served as Chair Professor, Northeast Normal University in Changchun, China (2015-2019) where he is Honorary Director of the Center for Critical Studies in Education. A Fellow of the American Educational Studies Association, Professor McLaren is the recipient of three lifetime achievement awards, and a number of honorary doctorates and book awards. His writings have been translated into 25 languages. He is the co-founder of Instituto McLaren de Pedagogia Critica, Mexico.