​The Witch: A Pedagogy of Immanence is a deeply personal journey through trauma to resilience and renewal in a process to find the core of an Indigenous way of knowing. Raised a Métis person within white settler culture, ulthiin seeks the seeds of an Indigenous way of being within the texts of their life, looking for the echoes of a hidden, grounded, ecological humanity within the entrails of a culture that eats stories. In an act of epistemological revolution, they seek to reconstruct a lost animist way of being contained within the very core of Western Culture. Witchcraft becomes a set of tools by which the individual may take apart the stories of their own becoming, to engage in parallel deconstructions of the oppressions brought about by settler cultures, finding instead a new path by which humanity may rediscover their place within nature. ulthiin calls for a radical recasting of the human as an emergent phenomena of spirit via nature, calling forth a pedagogy of Eros, of wild erotic passion for the world as a missing piece of the self.